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Why Foster?

Because you can save a life!


Halo Dogs are rescued from high-kill animal shelters or may come from cases of hoarding or neglect, most go directly into foster care where they can have a safe space to unwind from their previous situations. The more foster homes we have, the more dogs we can save! We "pull” dogs from shelters all over Nevada & California that become overpopulated quickly, and often move unadopted dogs to the euthanasia list within a matter of a few days. The Halo motto “every life matters" often means helping the underdogs who haven’t been saved by the other rescue’s, so no dog is left behind. We’ve actually pulled dogs from shelters minutes from the clock ran out for those dogs. When a foster home opens up, we move into action and literally save a life!



Because you can give...
  • A temporary home. Under-age dogs and puppies too young to be adopted need time to grow and their immune systems need to develop before they can receive basic medical treatment like spay/neuter surgery, and shots. Help these little ones stabilize, socialize, and grow a little more before they find their forever homes.

  • A safe haven. Hospice care. The sick, injured or old dogs also need our help. Often dumped in shelters or vet clinics due to lack of funds to support a dog’s medical care, Halo does not overlook these poor souls. Do you work from home? Are you retired? There are dogs that have special needs, and dogs that have an injury they are recovering from like orthopedic surgery, or even have cancer and need to take their chemotherapy medication consistently. Some dogs are even in their last stages of life and could use a warm and loving home to spend their final days.

  • Leadership, training, and guidance. Behavior and socialization challenges are often a hurdle with rescue dogs because we often don’t know their background or what their experiences have been before they came to us. Some may have come from cases of neglect or abuse or simply lack the training or socialization they need to find the right home. Many of these small and large breed dogs are quick to overcome their issues with a dedicated foster parent who isn’t afraid of helping a dog transform. 


Halo's foster homes are the lifeline of our organization. We could not exist without the support of all our participating foster parents who have opened their homes temporarily to a dog in need. Foster homes are a critical first stop for the neglected, beaten, scared, and forgotten pets we rescue from high kill shelters. As a foster parent, you offer the first warm, loving environment the dog (or dogs) may have had in quite some time, if ever. In your home, they have the ability to heal, grow, and flourish in a new life while they wait for their adoptive family to find them. 



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